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I'm gonna write pretty fast because I have homework to do. 

I'm scared...

  1. - I've just discovered I have Thrypophobia {I hope I wrote it well 'cuz ain't google that word never again!}
  2. - I'll receive my final grades [which determine if I pass the course.. or not] next week. *anxious*
  3. - It's very late and everybody is already sleeping. Everything is so quite.  

I miss...

  1. -a person...wait no.. is not a person. I miss to talk with that person. Our conversation used to be so interesting and funny. Anyway.. 
  2. -school. Those times definitely were one of the best of my life. Laughing with all my classmates about anything
  3. -winter. Here it's beginning summer season.

I want

  1. -to sleep earlier. It seems impossible to me! 
  2. -to watch this anime called KARE KANO! {I have to buy the third DVD to know the rest of the story! I only bought the first and the second one last week.}

Well, I think I don't have anything else to tell you. 

WISH ME THE BEST even though you don't know me

I wish...

  • You have a nice day, week, month, year and life.