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I'm gonna write pretty fast because I have homework to do. 

I'm scared...

  1. - I've just discovered I have Thrypophobia {I hope I wrote it well 'cuz ain't google that word never again!}
  2. - I'll receive my final grades [which determine if I pass the course.. or not] next week. *anxious*
  3. - It's very late and everybody is already sleeping. Everything is so quite.  

I miss...

  1. -a person...wait no.. is not a person. I miss to talk with that person. Our conversation used to be so interesting and funny. Anyway.. 
  2. -school. Those times definitely were one of the best of my life. Laughing with all my classmates about anything
  3. -winter. Here it's beginning summer season.

I want

  1. -to sleep earlier. It seems impossible to me! 
  2. -to watch this anime called KARE KANO! {I have to buy the third DVD to know the rest of the story! I only bought the first and the second one last week.}

Well, I think I don't have anything else to tell you. 

WISH ME THE BEST even though you don't know me

I wish...

  • You have a nice day, week, month, year and life.


a boring one

hi person,
if you are reading this is problably because you are extremtely bored. i do not blame you because i am, as well. Actually... that's why I'm writing here, in this blog.
i was thinking that the favorite way of people to forget how boring they are is any activity related to the internet.
but there is a point where you do not find anything else to do there. your friends are offine and you don't want to go out because you feel lazzy. so, what can you do to avoid feeling that strange sentiment of virtual loneliness?
i have no idea.
but maybe you should go to sleep or try to watch a movie or play videogames. But don't you realize that anyway you'll be alone while doing those activities to distract yourself? so is the same shit.
Studying is a good way to.... wait! nobody do such a thing to have fun.
how about... nothing, my brain is empty, i don t know what to do even though i have homework (since i am in a state of i-do-not-feel-motivated, i am not in the mood to solve math problems).
i am not sad or depressed . I just feel like I am spending all my time on silly things like what i am doing right now, or like what i did yesterday.

if you are reading this and you've felt like this before.. please be good and give me some advice.




Relaja los dedos.
Creo que no podré dejar abandonado este blog. Y, definitivamente, me es más cómodo escribir en español...
 Así que esto es el que tengo que decir hoy.

                                                          Vidas Paralelas - Ximena Sariñana ┘
            (si pueden entender la letra de la canción sería EXCELENTE!)

Parte de lo que soy? Ni idea.

Alguna vez has deseado que tu vida fuera un poco diferente? 

 No sé, quizá deseaste que algo no hubiera sido como fue, o que debiste hacer algo antes pero ahora ya no se puede, ya pasó. 
O quieres tanto algo pero no sabes como lograrlo o alcanzarlo. O viste la vida de alguien más y pensaste : Wao! eso le falta a mi vida. Que envidia que alguien más lo tenga!

Suele pasar, creo.

Alguna vez te has puesto en los zapatos de otra persona?

 Yo lo intenté, hoy. Imaginé qué y cómo se sentiría si es que fuese otra persona que conozco muy bien (de ese modo fue más sencillo alucinar cómo sería vivir su vida).

 Me dio escalofríos. 
 La vida de otra persona jamás será igual que la mía o la tuya. Al ser algo tan extraño y diferente, pues, asusta.
Me sentí tan agradecida de ser quien soy y de la vida que tengo que creo que ese es el remedio para las veces que me pongo muy pensativa acerca de lo inconforme que estoy con algo respecto a mí y mi entorno.

 Me siento cómoda donde estoy, ya no hay duda.

No lo cambiaría (me refiero a mi estilo de vida). Pero, sí la mejoraría cada vez que se me presente la oportunidad, porque es claro que tengo malos hábitos. 
Una profesora de un taller al que asisto propuso que intentáramos cambiar nuestras rutinas por una semana. SOLO una semana (el reto real sería un mes entero, pero la gente no aguanta haha). 
Dijo que deberíamos intentar cambiar aspectos que no nos gusten de nosotros mismos, pero que no los cambiáramos superficialmente, o mejor dicho, NO CAMBIES DE PERSONALIDAD porque eso es lo que muestras a la gente y, al fin y al cabo, no es el verdadero cambio profundo que deberías buscar para poder, de verdad, mejorar. 
Lo que se cambia es el CARÁCTER, dijo.

Claro eso toma tiempo. Y muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucho, Es por eso que una semana parece un reto bastante simple. 
Bonito comienzo.

Muchas...quieres una lista? . . . 
- dormir 7 horas.
- adiós chocolate
- Internet fuera! (el blog no esta dentro de eso XD )

Nada más?

Parecía simple.. No se me ocurre nada mas.
No se que cambiar, o a lo mejor no quiero cambiar.  
Pero tengo que hacerlo!

Hasta ahora he hecho algunas cosas fuera de lo común, para mi:

- Escuchar rock-jazz de un grupo de mi país.
- Estudiar en un lugar donde solía darme sueño. (no, no es la cama)
- dormir al revés [donde va la cara, los pies y viceversa.]
- comer galletas con sabor a cebollas y a aceitunas (horrible!, no lo haré de nuevo)
- Peinarme de diferente forma. (tengo cerquillo pero con un gancho lo oculto.. y otra vez soy yo a la edad de   5 años )  <-- no me incomoda verme diferente, pero el cerquillo me abriga la frente en invierno.
- Estaba llegando temprano a mis clases! woohoo
- Más hábitos abandonados...

Todo lo que acabo de mencionar, también contará como parte de mi gran cambio? Ojalá que sí! Por favor que sí! - Es tarea de mi taller. Tengo que presentar un informe. >_____> Tiene que funcionar. 


P.S. : Esa persona conocida de quien me puse en sus zapatos... es mi mamá.



Here it goes...

He told me to write about him, and I'm going to do that because he's nice and I like him.

Let me think. .how should I begin?
He's studying civil engineering, like me.  Also, he's black belt in Taekwondo (but actually, he's lost his flexibility since he doesn't have time to train).
 He used to practice break dance and besides, he said people told him he raps very well.
As you can see, he enjoys doing different activities which don't have any connection between them. >>> 당신은 놀라운

He likes to watch korean dramas in his free time. On the other hand, he hates kpop. (>>unbelievable!)
He dislikes the fact that most girls prefer bad guys even though  they know these guys are aggressive and probably will cheat on them. But what he hates the most is that although these girls complain about this all the time, they still continue dating with those jerks.
"They are stupid", he said. 
>>>"nice guys finish last" that's bullshit~

I didn't know much about korean movies so he gave me a list of the movies he considered the best to watch. I've just seen one of them. It was funny at the beginning, but then it turned so sad and emotional.
 Yep, I cried. LOL

I asked him if he'd cried while watching it before and he said: "No, I never cry unless a someone I love dies." He explained to me that in his culture men must stay strong in front of hard situations and they shouldn't  show weakness.

I tried to make him understand that human beings shouldn't keep their feelings to themselves  It's not healthy. . .
I told him: "Do you like to suffer in silence? Are you emo or something? XD". 
He answered: "Not at all! :O "
I added:"If you ever cry, I won't tell nobody".
He just laughed.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Even though I'm a complete stranger to him, he's very kind all the time. >>>당신은 좋은 친구 야
He said he wouldn't be able to text to me for a week (which was sad) because he was going to travel . 

 I don't know how but, at the end, we continued messaging that week. 
>>>>나는 행복했다 , 감사합니다! 
Furthermore, he's taught me a couple of things: 

- how to swear in korean (I had to beg him because he said I should learn the good words first haha )
- english text message abbreviations
- the city where he lives is one of the safest place in the world. (I must check that by myself someday.) 

Thanks for that too!

Enjoy this

"The perks of being a wallflower"
      Such a beautiful movie and amazing book.

                                               I didn't imagine it could be so touching....
                                                                There are many quotes of it that I'd love to share with you...

For someone who is sad or worry:

For someone who is having a good time :

Remember this if you feel loveless :
why you have to move on :
If you're not happy with yourself :

If you're wondering what's the meaning of ...

Is a shy and/or introverted person. Normally they know everything about everybody because they hear and see everything, but they are not gossip, they're quiet. No one pays attention to them. 
This kind of people is really interesting when you get to know them. They're genuine.

Dreams vs Reality

What is reality?
Most of us believe that reality is just how everything looks like. Most of the time reality is not like we would want it to be. Sometimes we can change it, sometimes we can't. 
Even though it's easier to write what I don't like about reality, i'll do a special effort to make you see that reality is better than dreams. Because dreams are always good desires and wishes and you can't plainly see the dark side of them.. actually, there's no such a thing in it. 

Well let's start! 

Note: such a beautiful movie! "AMELIE" 

  1. You're alive
  2. you can feel
  3. you can breath
  4. you can move
  5. you can decide
  6. you can think
  7. you can try again
  8. you're human
You might think : ARE YOU NUTS? I already knew that.. but what's so special about it?

  1. YOLO - You Only Live Once.
  2. even if it's sadness or anger or happiness, feeling it's just magic.
  3. you can smell, full your lungs with fresh air, it's the prove you live.
  4. go wherever you want to go.
  5. free to choose, it's your personal decision.
  6. meditate and reflect to express yourself in different ways.
  7. if something doesn't work, continue or move on.
  8. this is a gift... or would you prefer to be a plant?
Can you see the difference? 

In dreams maybe you can do all the things I mentioned before but it's not the same.. and you know it.
Also, most of your experiences are based on reality, not dreams. Even if it isn't a good one, it exists and it happened, so you can remember it whenever you want to.

 And you can do that only in reality.

do you really want to read this?

Here the thing continues...

Well This Guy taught me something. . . and that is to listen to FOO FIGHTERS! lml ~ yeah he used to like this group so much that I ended looking for their videos just to see if they were as awesome as he said. Indeed, they are the best. I still like them. 


2. That Guy: 
That Guy was a year younger than me. I used to think that he looked like a kpop singer (yep, I was 15 years old and at that time all that wave of korean pop had already blown my mind ... ) 
Well he wasn't asian or something. He was pale (in a nice way), dark hair, thin, and his eyes were like rainbows. I have to admit That Guy was one of the strongest crushes I've had. I really liked him so much. But that wasn't love. I was too young to understand the differences between fantasy and true love (and I still think I'm too young to get it hahaha). The thing is I liked him for two years. . . and I've never dated with him, which is sad. 
We were like friends but strangers at the same time. But more like strangers because he was 1 year younger so our school schedules were very different and we couldn't find another way to talk but Facebook chat. 
That social network is just not the best way to get to know someone, and less to fall for someone. Everything seemed so fake there. You can write a thousand of lies and pretend you're telling the true, and on the contrary, you can write how you really feel but the other person may not believe you. 
I'm the other person. 
I remember I've approached him twice in the cafeteria. The first time, he didn't even have the minimum idea of who I was (not even by chat).. I was really nervous but I really wanted to know him so I invented a stupid excuse to ask him a favor. The second one was when we both arrived late to school. I just said "Hi, don't be late again eh"... He just looked down embarrassed, and smiled.
No more.
All I know is that he knew I liked him. All I know is that he thought I was pretty.

Common topic

Here is a topic most of you love to read about. Guess  I'm part of that billion of people who write about it.  >_>' 

What do you want me to write about love?. . . My experiences? My opinion about this feeling? A story about a lovely couple? My recently crush? How would be my perfect guy? Who would I like to marry? 
I'm pretty sure you don't want to know the answers to those questions. So I'll do something better [ hope it works (fingers crossed) ]  

I'll write about my friends experiences. They are very different and their stories as well. So probably you might feel identified with some of them. If it's not like this, then.. my plan would worked (because I believe each experience is unique).

Hmm nope. It won't work. They should tell you their stories personally, not me. 

Forget the plan~  I'll write about my crushes (I don't promise it would be interesting but as you continue reading you'll realized how unlucky I've been in love TT__TT  hahahaha)

1. This guy:
It was my first year in high school. Being the freshman sucks! no friends, no fun, nothing. Everyday was a routine, walk to school, study, return home, do homework, play video games, take a shower, sleep, wake up ... and it was like this every single day. Until one day I saw This Guy who was in my same grade but different section. He was handsome, tall, dark hair, nice smile. He looked friendly... and he was. At that time no guy used to approached me unless it was to tease me or bully me hahaha. Anyway.. This Guy came into my classroom to ask something and then, at the end, he smiled at me and said: Hi, you're Melanie, right? (I was like: Ehh? are you talking to me? IS THIS REAL!? XD ) and then he asked me if I could collaborate to organize an activity for sports. LOL Of course I said YES! hahaha... At least he talked to me ^^

First crush sucks~ HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND and she was in my classroom, and she was the kindest girl with me. So it was impossible. 
That day I realized This Guy was not for me... guess what? It didn't hurt.

It will continue  . . .



 Hey you! >:D I've just found this song! It's reaaaaaaaaaally good! Must listen eh! 
 Note: This group is "CASKER", yeah it's korean but give it a try ^_^ ... and this song is  called "SCENT"

Let me do a list of things I think are really difficult :

- It's not easy to wake up in the mornings. I just want to sleep until I get tired of being lied in my bed.
- It's not easy to write in english because my mother tongue is spanish and so are my thoughts.
- It's not easy to live in Peru. I really want to live in Wonderland for a while, just to talk to Alice for a couple of hours.
- It's not easy to wear a ring. Everytime I wash my hands, I take it off and then, I lose it.
- It's not easy to focus in chemistry classes. The teacher speaks too fast while I have to write what he says and what is already written on the board, and, at the same time, try to understand what he's just said.
- It's not easy listen to the song I've recently posted up here. It makes me feel sad and happy.. and confused.
- It's not easy to eat junk food. Well.. It is easy to chew it little by little,  and it's easy to enjoy the flavor mmm.. But it's hard to digest.
- It's not easy to be lefty. I always feel unconfortable when I sit next to someone who isn't. As a result, our elbows always hit each other.
- It's not easy to be teenager. You always have to deal with acne.
- It's not easy to study engineering. That's what everybody say. That's why I wrote it here but I'm not sure if that's true. 
- It's not easy to wash my face at any time of the day because if it's morning, the water is too cold and if it's afternoon or night, all the paint of my black eyelined eyes will slide all over my face.
- It's not easy to walk on the streets. There is always something I'll see or I'll hear that will disappoint me.
- It's not easy to leave the addiction with my tablet. I don't need to explain that. I don't want to either.
- It's not easy to say something it's not easy. It just make me feel weak and I know I'm not. My grandmother told me I'm stronger, and I believe her.

If you thought this post was going to be about a depressive event of my life, well.. I'm sorry to disappoint you (I'm not emo haha)



I usually stay until night in the university but is not because of my classes, most of them finish at 1pm. 
I suppose it is a habit to walk around the campus, maybe study in the library, read some books, .,, I don't know how but there's always something to do.
Today was the exception.

I was tired (because I couldn't sleep well yesterday), pissed off (because I arrived late eventhough I woke up early) and sad (because it's winter and seeing the gray sky just discourages me).
So I decided to go home immediately.

As soon as I was inside the bus, I put on my earphones, selected a pop song and turned the volume up until I couldn't hear anything but the music.
I though that was the only way to relax in that place.

After a few minutes, a guy with a guitar got into the bus. He said he was a music student and that he needed some money.
The first thing that came up to my mind was this: hey!! If you were an old lady or maybe a little boy or a mother with many childen, then I'd understand. BUT you're young, why don't you look up for a job instead of waiting for charity?
So I continued listening to my music and I didn't look at the guy until he started to play a song.

I pressed the pause button but I kept wearing my earphones. And I listened carefully to his song. It was a song I've never heard before. All I can remember is that it was about people around the world. That everybody might be from different places but we go to the same place.
That was very deep somehow.

To be honest, I didn't understand the meaning of the song (I tried to relate it to God, since he is our father) but I liked it anyway. It was a soft song and the guy was a good singer as well.

At first impression it may seemed that I wasn't paying attention at all because I didn't take off the earphones during alll the song.  That's why he was very surprised when I gave him some coins.
Actually, he received many coins from different people, even a monk gave him something. It wasn't money, I think it was a card.

Once he finished collecting money, he said to everybody: thank you very much, I've been doing this also to share my music with people. I do my best to transmit a good feeling while I sing and while I play the guitar.

In that moment, I realized that there is a pause button for everything, and that I could pressed it whenever I want... to relax.... to appreciate listen carefully... to just do nothing. And it wouldn't be bad. On the contrary, it helps to keep a balance in life.
And now, I feel peace. I don't regret to take a break (eventhough if it is just a couple of hours), and I'm happy.


배가 너무 아파 !!!!! :(

Note: Yep, this time the song is related to the topic.
Hi everybody! :) As the title says I AM HUMGRY RIGHT NOW!
I usually eat well but I've just started to dieting u_u  Naahh! I can't do that, I am not that strong. I know myself perfectly and keeping a routine of eating healthy food (or stop eating) is something really hard to do, for me. I just can't. Let's put it this way, if you put a hamburger in front of me, I won't think twice to bite it. Hahaha.
The reason why I'm hungry today is because I had for lunch something in the university's cafeteria known as "Economic Menu" (It's 1.50 soles, so you can imagine how much food you get for that price).
Let me tell you there is another menu known as "Basic" and it's 3.50 soles, It includes a dish with meat or fish (depending what they decide to cook that day), a bread, and a plastic glass full of juice.
I know I can afford that. I used to eat Basic Menu everyday last semester but I won't pay for that anymore. Why? Here are the reasons:
- Every time you buy a Basic Menu, the cashier registers your student code. So the university knows how much money you spend for your meals. Even though, that's doesn't look like a great quantity of money, the university will consider you as a person who has a lot of money and they will increase your scale pay.
 That's what happened to me last semester. Thanks God my parents still can pay my tuition.
- Everybody leaves my house in the morning because of their jobs. So nobody cook.
- I have classes in the mornings so I don't have time to cook. (and I don't know how to XD.. Actually, I can survive eating fried egg with rice and fried bananas or tuna with rice, I can cook that.) So I have no option but to eat in the university.
- I could ask someone to sell me menu hahaha, but I didn't find nobody who does it.
- I could eat the economic menu (that doesn't include the bread, the glass of water and the meat), which is what I'm doing since yesterday.
But HEY ! I could buy something else outdoors, or buy some snack to cheat my stomach.. BUT haven't you heard about the economical recession this country is about to have?
Well Ollanta said something like : Peru will face hard times. D:
And my mom's job is not that good right now. She's afraid to get fired.
Hmmm well, I won't DIE of hunger. Also, my brain needs food to think better LOL.
WAIT ! ! I have the solution!
- They are not expensive
- They are sweet
- They are very nutritive
- I can carry them in my backpack so I can eat them anytime and anywhere.
I will star eating fruits like a freak tomorrow. . . 

Second Semester

NOTE:this music has nothing to do with the topic I wrote right below here hehe :) I just like this song and I believe it is perfect to listen it while reading. So it is up to you if you click the play button. But you should...
It is my second semester at the university. I can't believe how time flies!
Since I have friends who already passed those courses I'm about to study, I asked them, time ago, what should I do to not fail. They didn't say much... basically they told me to study hard everyday, not just for the final exams.
Other friends told me it wasn't that hard... And others told me: "Well, I guess I'll see you in some classes because I disapproved some courses so I'll take them again, but don't worry that won't happen to you. I'll help you in my free time."
That last comment just made me feel more nervous.
Indeed, they are not easy courses.
I guess the first semester was not that difficult because some subject-matter were related to what I previously study in high school, but this time I'll study new subjects (that probably I've never seen before) and that's a little bit scary.
Then, I though I'd be better if I ask someone who has more experience. I chose dad.
I called him and explained him what was happening. He just said that I shouldn't worry, that everything would be fine because I'm not stupid (hahaha) and because I did great the first semester. He added : "But.. you must do everything you did the fist time".
Ahhh..! so that was the key to succeed!
So the first day of class (yesterday) I bought a notebook at the same store (and of the same brand ) I did last time (but I chose another color , LOL ). I woke up late, like the first time, and I arrived late (I didn't plan that, I'm almost always late). Unfortunately, the teacher closed the door so I couldn't get in.  Yeah.. I screwed it up.. but I didn't feel discouraged. It was early and I could enter to another class of the same course next hour. And I did :)
I think I took my dad's advice very seriously.
The second day (today) was better. I arrived late again (oh my gosh.... need to change that bad habit) but the teacher left me pass in .. yei!! :D
Well I suppose this semester won't be exactly the same way as the last one.. Nothing happens twice, though. Anyway, I have to do my best.